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Norm Abram's "The New Yankee Workshop" Park Bench

This is the project that required me get to the next level of skill in woodworking. I decided to buy a drill press and use a hollow point chisel to cut the many mortises this piece has; virtually every joint where two pieces come together is mortise and tenon; even the backrest slats are mortised into the rails.


I made this in 1989. I won’t tell you what the wood is, yet.

Study it and you tell me what you think it is.


One screw is used in the whole assembly and that is to hold the center seat support to the bottom of the lower back rail. Everything else is mortise/tenon/dowel.

The wood is pressure treated. 

Bench Brand New

Bench One Year Old


Bench at Age 25

A Close-up of the Grain at 25

Bench at 25 years

Bench Now.JPG
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